C/ Almazara 11
Tres Cantos (Madrid)
Tel. 91-803-77-11

Probe type "K"

M8 thread
Wire length 2 meters

  • Probe for measuring exhaust temperature (EGT) for all ROTAX engines.
  • Has a M8 thread and can be installed directly on the M8 nuts that come from the factory on 914 engines and some 912.
  • In the exhaust without nuts, your need weld an M8 nut.
  • Aislamiento de fibra de vidrio.
  • Stainless steel protection.
  • Fiberglass insulation
  • Wire length 2 meters.

Probe type "K", M8 thread. Wire length 2 meters
Part Number:IM-927
Price: 36.46€ + VAT
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C/ Almazara 11
Tres Cantos (Madrid)
Tel. 91-803-77-11